Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The process has begun

Well, I got a call yesterday from the Law Enforcement Training Center. My file is on the top of their list for the next class. They want to begin my investigation immediatly. Hopefully I don't screw anything up from here. If I pass all the next stages I will be in the July class. That means a December graduation...so mark your calendars. Deputy Berry wants to schedule my in-home interview in the next few weeks. Then there is a psych eval and a physical. If I get in the academy, you can keep up with my weekly training thru my blog. I will blog weekly or when we do something really cool. Keep you fingers crossed for me.


Anonymous said...

Does this mean you will finally get your own pair of handcuffs :)

I am so happy for you

Life in Motion said...

Yes...yes it will...also, they will teach me some grappling...which means next time I go to take you down...you'll go down!!! Maybe you won't have your cow belt to protect you!!