Monday, December 1, 2008

End of Week 21

We had a short week this week. On Monday we did our mock trial. Judge Paul Clark was our judge. I am pretty sure the guy has been doing this for 100 years. I didn't get to testify (not real heart broken). On Tuesday we had our 11th test. I got an 89%. Then we had Career Development, Racial Profiling, and EJustice (records software). Then Tuesday night, a bunch of us got together and had a game night. It was tons of fun. Then Wednesday, I worked from 4pm - 12:30 am. The first 4 hours I spent at the Jail. The first hour or so I got to roam around with a rover. We went into a few of the pods. I went into one of the pods where the Deputy sits right out there with the inmates. I could never do that. Then I spent the last 3 hours in Master Control. This is where they control all the doors, elevators, and all access points. I was down there for about 30 minutes when they had an incident in the pod I was just in. I guess they couldn't get one of the inmates to go to his cell. I am not sure of all the details, but the guy I spent the 1st hour with called down to master control and told me that the incident in that pod was all my fault. Not sure of all the details, but the guy ended up getting 5 days lock down for the incident. For the next 4 hours I was up in dispatch. I ended up spending the night with the EMS dispatcher. It was pretty interesting. It was interesting to see how you get one call from 911 and EMS, Fire, and PD all get dispatched. The room gets pretty crazy when something big comes in.

Then on Thursday (Thanksgiving), I went with Justin to Hutchinson to be with his family. He had warned me about his crazy family, but I really didn't think it was any different than any other family. Here is a picture of us that Justin's daughter Paige took.

We were pretty lazy the rest of the weekend. Thursday night we set up the x-mas tree. Friday went to see Four Christmases with some of our friends from the academy. Then on Saturday I drug Justin to the Arts and Crafts Fair at Century II. We got some new x-mas ornaments. Then that night we went cosmic bowling with Rebecca and her family. Then Sunday we just did some chores around the house.
We have 2 weeks left of the academy. This week is going to be pretty fun. I got tazed today. We have a full day of defensive tactics on Wednesday. On Thursday we have the blood drive for the battle of the badges. We have tactical handgun on Friday. Friday the sheriff's department is taking their instructors to dinner so I get to tag along to that. Then Saturday is our class party. But you will have to wait till next blog for all of that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your little tree and your girl cop too...Paula