Monday, August 18, 2008

End of Week 6

Another week down. It was another boring week with mostly classroom stuff. Here is what we covered this week: Juvenile Law/Custody, Financial Crimes, Admissions and Confessions, Rules of Evidence, Crime Scene and Death Investigations, Emergency Response & Pursuit Driving, Road Block and Barricades, and Title 5 (city ordinances). The most interesting class was the Death Investigations. We had Lt. Landwehr in a few times this week. He covered a few local homicides. We got the info (including very detailed pictures) of the Cornelius Oliver murders. This was the other quadruple homicide 5 days before the Carr brothers. Then we got all the gory details of the Carr brothers quadruple homicide. We also got details on the incident at the Crown Chase apartments out south where the lady was beheaded and the apartment set on fire. Let's just say, there are images in my head that I'm never going to get rid of. Lesson's learned...if you think someone is following you, don't go home. Duh!!!!!

We did have one day of PT. We got to run east on 37th street to where it meets up with the big ditch. Then we got to run up and down the burm. I ended up having a pretty good asthma attack and got to ride the Sheriff's police car back to the academy. I went to the Dr. the next day and got some new medications.

We had a big test today. It covered the last 3 weeks. We didn't get the results back yet, but I don't think too many people did very well. I did pass. That is about the only info I could get out of the Lt. Today after the test we got instruction on how to deploy stop sticks. Not as easy as you might think. By the end of the session, I was doing pretty well. Then we had more Title 5 crap. This week we finally get to go to the range. Will update more on Friday or this weekend.

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