Sunday, July 13, 2008


I decided to try on all my gear for the academy tomorrow. I spent 20 minutes ironing my shirts perfectly yesterday. I have nice creases in my sleeves. I also probably spent 2 hours polishing my shoes. That isn't as easy of a task as I thought. I have gotten lots of different advice from lots of different people. I put them on today and got a bunch of creases, so I had to buff them out some more. We will see how the Lt's like them tomorrow. I spent most of the weekend studying. We had 2 study groups. We had about 7 show up yesterday and about 11 show up today. We will probably do study groups every weekend. If not just to study, but to let the group get to know each other better. Anyway, I told mom I would post a picture of me in my academy uniform. You can't really see my shiny shoes in this pic.

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