Saturday, September 20, 2008

End of week 11

Well, I have been a little behind with my posts. I spent the first of this month moving. I am starting to get more organized, but things are still a little crazy. Samson and I have been in our new apartment since Sept. 6th. I think he likes all the space he has, but I think he is pretty lonely since he doesn't have someone around all the time like he used to. I have someone that comes and takes him for walks every afternoon so that might help a little.

Anyway, as for the academy. I left off pretty much at the end of last month. Week 9: On Sept. 2nd, we had an observation day. I got to spend my day in Sex Crimes. I think it is a great department, but it is nothing like Law and Order SVU. We did get to see them interrogate a suspect about a rape. That was pretty interesting. Then on Sept. 3rd and 4th, we were out at the range with shotgun training. Not a huge fan of the shotgun. It's big and heavy with some kick to it. I came home the first day with a bruise on my shoulder and cheek. It took me 4 tries to qualify. When I did finally qualify I got a perfect score. We even ran the course again that afternoon and I got a 53/54. At least I finally figured it out. However, not my weapon of choice. Then that Friday, we had reactive knife training. Mainly we spent all day blocking, deflecting, and throwing each other on the mat. I ended up with a swollen wrist by the end of the day.

Week 10: Monday and Tues. we had Verbal Judo aka Tactical Communication. Then on Tues. we had Robbery and Dealing with Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Wed. and Thurs. mainly dealt with traffic accidents and traffic code. Not a huge fan of working traffic accidents. So, if any of you are in an accident and I get called out, I will punch you in the face. =). Then on Friday we had Sex Crimes and SANE/SART (nurses who take the rape kits at the hospital).

Week 11: Monday - Wednesday we worked on more traffic accident investigations. We did do some PT this week. Monday we ran a little over 3 miles. Then, Wednesday we did our 300 FT dash and the Cooper Run. We ran the Cooper Run in squads. My squad can kick my ass at the 1 1/2 so they just let me pace it. We ended up being the squad with the fastest time. Then on Thurs. we got to do Close Quarters Combat. This was learning to punch and kick. Good stuff, but I'm pretty sure I won't be punching anyone anytime soon. I have little fragile hands. I'm more a fan of the heal of my hand and the elbows. Then Friday I did an observation day. I rode 2nd watch North side. I actually ended up riding with the officer that was Andy's primary FTO. He was pretty laid back. We really didn't get into anything too exciting. We did get to go fast and go to the jail.

I haven't written down next weeks schedule so I don't know what we are doing. I know Monday we have our next test. I'm gonna spend the day studying for that.

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