Monday and Tuesday, our group did car stop training. The first few were your average daily car stop. Then after that they just got crazy. The hardest part is stopping the car, and getting everything in the car where you want it to be in order to get out of the car (spot lights, lights, grabbing your flashlight, seat belt, putting the car in park, turning your portable radio on). I was the primary officer on 3 car stops on Monday. One went off without a hitch. Then they told me to come back and look in the car. Dude had a gun sitting right on the dashboard. Talk about tunnel vision. Then on Tuesday we learned how to do felony car stops. So, most of Tuesday had crazy scenarios. Some people got beat up, some people got dead. I think I was about the only one in my group that didn't get into any physical altercation.
Then on Wednesday, we did building search. We use Longfellow Elementary at Main and Clark. It is a very old abandoned elementary school. Most of the day we learned the fundamentals. Then we did some light scenarios. Then at night, after dinner, we got to do scenarios with simunition rounds. These are kind of like bullets, but they only come out of the gun at 450 FPS (330 MPH) and the bullet is plastic with a colored substance in them. Our groups first scenario was without sims. We were trying to get a vagrant out of a building. While we were watching him, his buddy jumped out of the back of the room that we hadn't cleared yet. He ran past all the guys on my team and tackled me. I had my gun out, but was having trouble reholstering (he didn't have a weapon so I couldn't shoot him). So, I just rolled over on my gun and let him beat the crap out of me. I just have a bruise (that i can feel, but no one can see) on my jaw. Our next scenario was with the sim guns. We begin clearing a room and start taking fire. We ended up barricading the dude in a back room. We made entry into the room and took him into custody. No one got shot in this one. Then we had our last scenario. It involved clearning a long hall with small rooms and a multi-purpose room. We cleared down to the multi-purpose room. Then they (3 guys from my team) left me and another guy in the hall to cover their backs. When they got inside they realized they couldn't handle it by themselves so they called us in. We were in the entry way when I took my first shots. Hit me in the thighs. I screamed out a lot of expletives, as I was taking cover. Then, next thing I know, I am being grabbed by my collar and drug backwards. I thought it was one of our guys until I took a bunch of close range rounds into my vest. Then I dropped and spun around and started shooting him. I ended up taking one round in the shoulder. Then I got back up and went back to my position. At that point I took a few more rounds in the thighs. Basically it was a cluster at this point. Oh yeah, did I mention that the shooters in this practical were the WPD/SGCO SWAT Team. They can shoot a gnat off a horses ass. They also had long guns instead of pissy little handguns. So, in the end, all but one member of our team got lit up. Below are pics of what sim rounds can do to ya. The first 3 pics are from that night. The last 2 are taken 24 hours later.
Oh yeah, I also took on to the ass, but I am not putting that pic up.
Then, Thursday night we did Domestic Violence scenarios. We used different rooms in the training academy as our residences that we went to. Each one was very interesting. I got to wrestle 2 chicks and one guy into custody. I only had to kill on person and I never got killed. I think I did pretty OK on these scenarios. I was getting my confidence up by the end of the night.
Tonight I have a 3rd shift ride along down south. It's Halloween so it should be interesting. Tomorrow, Saturday, I have the Newton volleyball tournament. Then Sunday I am going to be lazy. I've also got to get my schedule back on track because we worked nights all this week and next week are are back to days.