Thursday, April 10, 2008

Surgery Update

Well, I had my surgery yesterday. I was back in surgery for about 40 minutes. They were able to find some spots of endometiosis. They also found a fibroid in my uterus. He said it was small. You can see from the attached picture. I guess everything else was normal. I am in some pain still, but am up and moving around. Andy has been real good about taking care of me. He also got up this morning and took Samson out for me. I have another hole in my belly button. I have one more hole lower, that just went thru my old scars. I have a new hole on the side of my abdomen next to my left hip. I was out of the surgery center pretty quick. I got there at noon and I went home around 5:00 p.m. So, here are some of the pictures that the Dr. took while he was in there. Viewer discretion is advised. =) You should be able to click on the picture to enlarge.

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